You may have noticed my prolonged absence over the last couple of weeks - I've come down with a bad case of election fever. The polls are like crack to me - I've checked them every day for the last two weeks, sometimes more than once. Elections I care about are even worse than my second favorite distraction of the moment, checking the mail room (on the chance that a letter about my funding will be there).
I won't attempt to count the hours, but let's just say while I've been arguing with uninformed or close-minded party-loyalists, documenting the changing whims of public opinion, reading candidate profiles and platforms, and looking up every Harper-bashing link my friends post on Facebook, there has been little time for blogging.
I did notice the absence, but hang on for just a few more hours and that raging fever will be over, life will return to "normal", and (if my crystal ball is correct) we will awake tomorrow to another minority government.